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Cover art for Lindsey Mills's song: Nothin Lasts

Nothin Lasts

Lindsey Mills


Written & performed by Lindsey Mills Recorded & produced by Rich Switzer ~ I want it all to last forever Some ice cream A rain storm A kiss I want each one I meet to be the one I eat my very last meal with I want it all to last and last ~ I want it all to last forever A car wash A candle That glow A Caribbean cruise A fresh pair of shoes The song on the radio I want it all To last forever ~ But as we know I gotta let it go Cuz nothin lasts. I want it all to goddamn last forever A good book A great love A dance I want each plum I eat to stay as ripe and sweet As it is on my tongue right now I want that taste to last Forever But as we know I better let it go Cuz nothin lasts.

Token Info

Date Pressed
December 28, 2023
Resale royalty
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