Lord lord… what do I say about this one?
This song is the reason I picked a career in the music industry. I made this when I was in high school and was debating on whether I wanted to keep trying music or just stop completely. I uploaded this on SoundCloud after class one day and noticed the numbers rising. I sent this song to pigeons and planes (2013 blog era shit if you were there it was fucking legendary) and once it got posted, my life essentially changed overnight. I had never left my city to perform before this song came out, had never talked to an a&r or record label, and was put into a lot of rooms that the younger me just would’ve never imagined being in. This song gave me the confidence to become an artist and grow into who I wanted to be. I wrote this song in 30-60 minutes, never imagined it changing my life in the ways it did. "Bang" is a song about having no way out, making the wrong decisions in life and what that impact looks like on the world around you, or what the impact of your surroundings make on you.
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